Physical disturbances in streams have important effects on rates of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). Underlying lithology can control sediment size, amount, and evolution in the stream, influencing substrate stability and in turn benthic organisms. W...
Autor(es): Sandra Rocio Villamizar. Samantha K. Cargill. Catalina Segura. Dana R. Warren.
Land use and climate are two determinant factors of water yield within a watershed. Understanding the effects of these two variables is key for the decision-making process within watersheds. Hydrologic modeling can be used for this purpose and the integration of future climate sc...
Autor(es): Sandra Rocio Villamizar. Sergio Manuel Pineda. Gustavo A. Carrillo.
Delineating pollutant reactive transport pathways that connect local land use patterns to surface water is an important goal. This work illustrates high-resolution river mapping of salinity or specific conductance (SC) and nitrate ( urn:x-wiley:00431397:media:wrcr22929:wrcr22929-...
Autor(es): Sandra Rocio Villamizar. Henry Pai. Thomas C. Harmon.
Quantifying distributed lateral groundwater contributions to surface water (GW-SW discharges) is a key aspect of tracking nonpoint-source pollution (NPSP) within a watershed. In this study, we characterized distributed GW-SW discharges and associated salt loading using elevated G...
Autor(es): Sandra Rocio Villamizar. Henry Pai. Thomas C. Harmon.
Variability of river properties such as temperature, velocity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and light at small scales (centimeters to meters) can play an important role in the local exchanges of energy and mass. We hypothesize that significant transverse cross-sectional DO variation is...
Autor(es): Sandra Rocio Villamizar. Henry Pai. Christopher A. Butler. Thomas C. Harmon.